“i’m struggling to embrace my body”
Maybe it was quarantine weight gain for you. Maybe it was quarantine weight loss. Listen, we all handle stress and the craziness of life in different ways. No matter what the reason was for you, if you’re struggling to embrace your body right now, we totally understand. But as a woman, its vital that you love every inch of yourself. It’s more important though that as a Christian, you love your body as well. Raise your hand if someone in the church has made you feel terrible about your body. From the way we dress, to the makeup and jewelry we wear, it always seemed like the physical body and appearance of the woman has always been under a microscope in the church. Can you spell “OVER ITTTT”?! Here’s to loving and embracing our body!
Check out three ways to be good to yourself and love the skin you’re in.
1. Stop the comparing
a. We know, its something we all do. It’s that one thing that you know you shouldn’t do but you struggle to stop. Yep! Been there. When it comes to comparison, understand that it just won’t benefit you. What you see on social media is the best version of someone. We become so fixated on the “perfect picture”, that we forget that 9 times out of 10, that picture is photoshopped and filtered to fit the Instagram mold. Anytime you feel the urge to compare yourself to another person, try saying out loud “This will not benefit me. I’m beautiful in the skin I’m in.” Say it until you believe it.
2. Play dress up
a. So many times when we go through periods of losing weight or gaining weight, our biggest struggle is finding clothes that fit our body. We get discouraged and frustrated when we’re not pleased with what we see in the mirror but in all actuality sis, its not you- it’s the clothes! Take the time to find clothes that fit this new body of yours. Think of it as dress up!
3. Pray. Over. Your. Body.
Did we make it clear enough? This is truly the most important step in embracing your body. God sees you in this new body and guess what sis? He loves you the same. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Our value and worth comes from Christ. Rest in that. The next time you’re stressing out over your body, just begin to pray over your body. Thank the Lord for such a wonderful creation!